Stacy Fahrenthold
Office: Social Sciences 128
Email: sfahrenthold@csufresno.edu
Office phone: 559-278-6237
PhD -Northeastern University
Research/Teaching Interests:
Modern Middle East; Syria and Lebanon; Migration, Displacement, and Diaspora; Middle Eastern minorities; World War I
Select Publications:
“Former Ottomans in the ranks: pro-Entente military recruitment among Syrians in the Americas, 1916-1918.” Journal of Global History 11, no. 1 (March 2016): 88-112.
“Sound Minds in Sound Bodies: Transnational Philanthropy and Patriotic Masculinity in al-Nadi al-Homsi and Syrian Brazil, 1920–1932.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 46, no. 2 (May 2014): 259-283.
“Transnational Modes and Media: The Syrian Press in the Mahjar and Emigrant Activism during World War I.” Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East Migration Studies 1, no. 1 (Spring 2013): 32-57.
Courses Offered:
- The Modern Middle East
- Gender in Islamic History
- World War I in the Middle East/North Africa
- Migrants and Refugees in the Middle East
Work in Progress:
I am completing my first book on Syrian migrant politics during the First World War, which examines the lives, work, and activism of a half million Syrians in Brazil, Argentina, and the United States between 1908 and 1921. I am also starting a new project on the textile industry, migrant workers, and labor politics between Ottoman Syria and its diasporas