Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies courses intersect across disciplines. Your Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies courses could count towards a double major/minor or even a certificate! Certificates focus in on a specific area, offer professional training, and expand student knowledge.
Listed below are certificates which include Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies courses as options to fulfill certificate requirements. Please see the university’s catalog for full details of certificate requirements.
Certificate in Alcohol/Drug Studies: WS 115: Women, Children, and Alcohol (1 unit) WS 190: Independent Study on selected aspects of alcohol/drug abuse (1 unit)
Certificate of Cross-Cultural Competency: WS 120 or 120S: Women of Color, WS: 125: Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Studies, WS: 135 Women and Cross Cultural Prospect
Certificate in Global Awareness: WS 136T: Topics in International Women’s Studies
Certificate in Legal Studies: WS/CRIM126: Women and Violence: Public Policy and the Law
Certificate in Racial Understanding: WS 120/120S: Women of Color
Certificate in Social Justice and Social Change: WS/CRIM 126: Women and Violence: Public Policy and the Law, PH/WS 130: Women’s Health, WS 149: Gender Law & Social Policy
Victim Services:Domestic Violence: WS 108: Rape (1 unit), WS 109: Incest (1 unit), WS 115: Women, Children and Alcohol (1 unit), WS 116: Domestic Violence (1 unit), WS 149 Gender, Law, and Social Policy.