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College of Social Sciences
The Africana Studies program provides students, the local community, and the Central California region with culturally-appropriate knowledge and skills necessary to understand the history and culture of African peoples all over the world and other ethnic groups in American society. Using an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective, the faculty applies their specializations in sociology, literature, political science, business, and education tore-affirm the connectedness of the human experience and illuminate the contributions of our people to the shaping of the fabric of American life and history. The program faculty members have published books and research articles in prestigious national and international peer review academic journals. Faculty members are also recipients of numerous Awards for Teaching Excellence, Research Grants, and Community Service.
Students may elect to pursue a B.A. degree in Africana Studies, pursue a dual (secondary) major by completing 24 units of Africana courses. They may also minor in Africana Studies and Ethnic Studies. Students majoring in one of the disciplines of the social sciences often add courses in Africana Studies to enhance their understanding of racial/ethnic minority issues and advance their abilities to address diversity in their chosen profession. In the humanities, preparation in the creative arts enables students in Africana Studies to pursue interests in such fields as journalism, communications, writing, theatre, and dance. For more information visit our website at