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Chadley James, Ph.D.


Associate Professor

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S2 153 559.278.5416

Biographical Sketch

 Dr. James image

Dr. Chadley James, has an M.S. in Clinical Criminology from the University of Leicester, UK and a Ph.D. in Victimology from Tokiwa University, Japan. His research focuses on the intersection of culture and victimization, developing and evaluating victim assistance programs for marginalized populations, along with developing better training programs for victim assistance personal working with victims of violent crime. Dr. James is the recipient of the 2015 World Society of Victimology (WSV) Beniamin Mendelsohn Young Victimologist Award and is the organizing Co-Director of the two-week Postgraduate Course in Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice held every year in Dubrovnik, Croatia at the Inter-University Center (IUC) Dubrovnik. He is an Executive Committee member of the WSV (Treasurer), and a part of the UN Liaison committee of the WSV. Dr. James has published in international journals and textbooks and has presented papers at international conferences, courses, and seminars in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States.

Dr. James’ current administrative duties include serving as Assistant Chair to the Department of Criminology and Chair of the University General Education Committee.

Recently Completed Working Projects

Bureau of Justice Assistance Smart Prosecution Initiative Grant (2020): Geographic Prosecution: Jackson County Missouri Smart Prosecution Initiative Prosecutor’s Office.

U.S. Department of Justice grant, "Violent Gang and Gun Crime Reduction Program (Project Safe Neighborhoods) (2019): Fresno Police Department, U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives

Courses Taught

Victimology - Family Violence - Victim Services - Trauma and Crisis Intervention - Research Methods - Victimology and Social Change - Legal Policy and Victim Services – Criminology - Restorative Justice

Recent Publications

Fox, A., Novak, K., Van Camp, T., and James, C.  (2020) Vulnerable network positions: Predicting victimization using social network analysis. Victims and Violence (Online at present)

James, C. & Eyjolfson, A. (​2020​) Evaluating the challenges for victim assistance. In J. Joseph​ ​& S. Jergensen (Ed​s​.). ​An International Perspective on Contemporary Developments in Victimology. ​New York: Routledge​.

James, C. & Cronje, M.  (2019) Evaluating Victim Impact Statements: Applications and Challenges. In R. Peacock (Ed.) Victimology in Africa (3rd Edition).

Takahashi, Y. & James, C. (2019) Victimology and Victim Assistance: Advocacy, Intervention, and Restoration. California, SAGE.

James, C. (2017). Seeking Refuge in South Africa: the victimization of vulnerable persons. TEMIDA. Vol. 19 (2): December, pp. 167-186.

James, C. (2017). Carjacking in South Africa: exploring its consequences for victims. Acta Criminologica. Vol. 30 (2): December, pp. 147-161.

James, C. (2017). Victim impact statements. In M. Hooper & R. Masters (Eds.), Salem Science: The Criminal Justice System, 2nd Edition (pp. 825-826), New York: Grey House Publishing.

James, C. (2017) Victim impact statements: understanding and improving their use. In C. Roberson (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook on Victims’ Issues In Criminal Justice (pp. 189-194), New York: Routledge

Manuscripts in Progress

C. James. “Evaluating the evaluation process for victim service agencies” (Journal Undecided)  (Expected submission Summer 2021)

C. James. “Leading curriculum development in Victimology” International Review of Victimology (Expected submission Winter 2020)