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Degree and Major Options

Criminology courses at the undergraduate level include integration of theoretical and applied materials of an interdisciplinary nature. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for beginning professional work in the criminal justice system and allied professions, as well as to provide preparation for graduate work.

The Department of Criminology at Fresno State provides undergraduate education in Criminology for students planning professional careers in the criminal justice field. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Criminology is diversified and integrated, reflecting the wide range of employment opportunities in the field, including direct service and administration in Corrections, Law Enforcement, and Victimology.  The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Forensic Behavioral Sciences is designed for students who are interested in the application of the behavioral sciences (e.g., Psychology, Anthropology, Linguistics, etc.) to the criminal justice system. Students who earn a B.S. in Forensic Behavioral Sciences will also be prepared for traditional criminal justice careers.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Criminology

Our Bachelor’s degree in Criminology is unique from other undergraduate programs because we require students to select an academic specialization in Criminology. Specifically, students must select from one of the three degree options listed below.


B.S. in Criminology Resource Links

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Forensic Behavioral Sciences

The Forensic Behavioral Sciences degree is designed for students who are interested in the application of other behavioral sciences (e.g., Psychology, Anthropology, Linguistics, etc.) to the criminal justice system. The degree also prepares students interested in traditional criminal justice careers. This degree DOES NOT prepare you to work in a crime lab and/or a crime scene investigator (instead you should major in biology or chemistry). Please watch the video below for more information about FBS.

Coordinator: Dr. Jenna Kieckhaefer

2025 FBS Cource catalog

FBS Course Catalog

See the Fresno State general catalog for more information, including degree requirements and course descriptions.


FBS Careers Information


Interested in adding Criminology or Forensic Behavioral Sciences as a Minor? Look no further!

Do you want to minor in Criminology or Forensic Behavioral Sciences? Our program gives students the flexibility to complete either minor in just 21 units. Please contact the College of Social Sciences Advising Center (COSS) to assist you with this process. 

The requirements for earning a Minor in Criminology are as follows:

  • Lower-Division CRIM requirements: CRIM 2, 20......................................................................6 units
  • Upper-Division CRIM requirement: CRIM 100..........................................................................3 units
  • Select from Upper-Division CRIM or FBS Courses................................................................12 units                                                                                   

                    Total units for CRIM Minor: 21 units

Please note: 

  1. The Criminology Minor requires a 2.0 GPA and 6 upper-division units in residence.
  2. CRIM 101, 120, and FBS 153 may still be used to meet requirements for both General Education and the minor, for catalogs prior to the 1999-2000 General Catalog.


The requirements for earning a Minor in Forensic Behavioral Sciences are as follows:

  • Lower-Division CRIM requirements: CRIM 2 and 20................................................................6 unit
  • Upper-Division FBS requirement: FBS 153..............................................................................3 units
  • Complete 12 units (four courses) of the following Upper-Division FBS Courses:

–    FBS 114, 154, 155, 156, 157, and/or 159T....................................................................12 units

Total units for FBS Minor: 21 units

Please note: 

  1. The Forensic Behavioral Sciences Minor also requires a 2.5 GPA and 6 upper-division units in residence.
  2. FBS 153 may still be used to meet requirements for both General Education and the minor.
  3. This interdisciplinary minor is open to students in any academic discipline (with the exception of students majoring in Criminology or Forensic Behavioral Sciences) or chosen profession.

Adding a Minor

Students can add a minor only if they can complete both their major and the minor within 144 earned units. Students may declare a minor by completing the Change of Major/Minor” form, receiving advising and approval by the Department offering the minor.

Minor Advising

Please visit the College of Social Sciences Advising Center for information on adding Criminology or Forensic Behavioral Sciences as a Minor. Please visit their webpage for hours and contact information.

NOTE: Part-time faculty do not function as faculty advisers.

General Catalog

2025 FBS Minor Course catalog


Honors Program

The Department of Criminology offers several programs with many opportunities for our students! The Criminology Honors Program is a two year program for select CRIM students who meet certain requirements. Visit the Criminology Honors Program tab to read more information on how you could become part of this exciting opportunity! 

Mentorship Program for at-risk Youth

The CRIM 120S Service-Learning Program is also offered through our department. Dr. Marcus Shaw coordinates the award winning mentoring program in the Department of Criminology through California State University. This unique opportunity allows Criminology students opportunities for mentorships serving at-risk youth in the Fresno Unified School District. 

Image of Mentoring Conference with FUSD

Due to the incredible work of those who take part in the program, the following have been awarded:

2024 - Service-Learning Partnership Award (Awarded by FUSD Superintendent)
2023 - Spirit of Service Award (Awarded by President Sandoval)
2019 - Community Partnership Award (Awarded by FUSD Superintendent)

How Can I Get Involved?

Each semester, the Criminology Department will offer the course CRIM 120S......


Academic Certificates 

Homeland Security Certificate of Advanced Study (Online)

This program has been postponed to a later date.

The certificate is currently on hold.