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Alpha Phi Sigma (Honor Society)

 About Us:

Alpha Phi Sigma is the nationally recognized honor society for students in the field of Criminal Justice and Criminology. The society recognizes academic excellence by Undergraduate, Graduate, and Law School Students. We strive to expand knowledge and better the community through participation in activities associated with the field, volunteer work, fundraising, etc.

Undergraduate Students:

Undergraduate students shall be enrolled in an institution represented
by a chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma. They must have declared a major, minor or equivalent in the criminal justice or related field, have completed three full time semesters or its equivalent. They must attain a minimum GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale in their cumulative and criminal justice classes; rank in the top 35% of their class. A minimum of four courses of the above course work shall be in the criminal justice field.

Graduate Student:

Graduate students shall be enrolled in a graduate program in criminal justice or related field; have completed four courses; have a minimum GPA of 3.4 on a 4.0 scale or rank in the upper 25% of their class. Three of the four courses, can be counted from the students undergraduate work, if the student attained a 3.4 GPA or higher in those courses.

Informational flyer/Upcoming Events:


Current Officers

Current Officers
Position Name
President  Angel Papikian
Vice-president Leslie Ortiz-Escalera
Secretary Iriane Servin-Ponce
Treasurer Diana Ramos 

Email the officers:


For more information, please visit the National Honor Society website.
For questions, please contact the Alpha Phi Sigma Adviser, Dr. Emma Hughes

Or contact Alpha Phi Sigma Co- Adviser, Dr. Monica Summers