Submit your request at least one (1) month in advance.
In your request, indicate how you know the professor from whom you are requesting
a letter. How long you have been acquainted with the professor? Indicate what class(es)
you have / have had with him or her, when you took his or her classes, and the grade(s)
you earned.
Clearly state deadline information (or multiple deadlines, if appropriate).
Indicate how the letter is to be submitted (electronic submission, direct mail or
Include contact information from the requesting institution(s), as well as any guidelines
or instructions for the letter writer.
Include the necessary forms to accompany the letter. Complete as much of the form(s)
as possible. Please enter the contact information of the letter writer:
- Title and name of Professor
- Campus address of Professor
- Campus phone number of Professor
- Include your personal contact and demographic information and other data not required
to be completed by the letter writer
Include a copy of your resume.
Include a copy of your unofficial transcripts or a DARS report.
We recommend you also include a copy of your personal statement / statement of purpose,
if available.
Finally, we encourage you to provide a listing of specific things ("bullet points")
you might like the letter writer to comment on in their recommendation. Be sure to
address the key areas the requesting institution has identified.