Political Science
What alumni say about the program:
"The program consists of core courses representing main areas of International Relations and gives students the flexibility to choose elective courses that correspond to their personal academic interests. The faculty is very knowledgeable and the atmosphere in class is very open to discussion. The core courses are excellent and professors are passionate about their classes." – Nataliia Kasianenko 2012
"It was a great experience for me as a foreign student doing education in English for the first time. The experienced and knowledgeable body of professors, their availability, as well as the guidance my adviser provided along the way, etc. were instrumental in making my journey as a graduate student an enriching learning experience, and an enjoyable and memorable one as well. I am exiting the program carrying so much more knowledge that I started with. I have been equipped with necessary tools and skills to take up future challenges (the job market, and ultimately a PhD program). I am definitely satisfied." - Palingwinde Yves Ouedraogo 2011
"The IR program allowed me to gain core knowledge of international relations theory but also to delve into related electives in other disciplines that were interesting to me personally. The professors were knowledgeable and helpful, but they also criticized my work so that I could improve. I especially benefitted from the research and writing class. This classallowed meto develop up a hypothesis about a contemporary IR issue of my choosing and seek out the data that would support my hypothesis or lead me to another conclusion." - Thea Fabian, spring 2010
"The program provided a great foundation for understanding the field of International
Relations. I thoroughly enjoyed studying economic and political structures and their
influences on world politics." –Darren Rose
"Encompassing of world/global issues which are related to IR. I enjoyed the program
immensely." -Silas Cha, spring 2010
“The program was overall a great experience. Professors, for the most part, were
nice and willing to work with you.” –Ashlin Mattos, summer 2010
''The core courses were thorough and represented the field well. This program is
an excellent value. I learned a lot during my time here to prepare me for further
work in the field. I also appreciated the professional faculty and excellent advising.''
- Joshua Shurley, spring 2010
“Faculty were very helpful and were always there to help students overcome academic
difficulties.” -spring 2010 graduate
"The IR program at CSU Fresno has not only given me some solid foundation in international
theories and law, but also the opportunity to meet some exceptional professors and
friends who are passionate in their endeavors. Thus, the experience is something I
will never forget!" - Aimellia Siemson, spring 2006
To see what some of our alumni are doing click here.
If you would like to speak to a recent graduate directly, please contact Dr. Ram, the International Relations Program Coordinator, to put you in touch.