Political Science
Panetta Congressional Internship Program
The Panetta Institute for Public Policy’s annual Congressional Internship Program is held from August to December each year. This program provides real-world engagement in the exploration of Congress, civic leadership, community and public service. Open to juniors or seniors from all majors, the program includes a two-week training session at the Panetta Institute at CSU Monterey Bay, followed by eleven weeks in Washington, D.C. Students earn 20 units of credit during this full-time internship.
The cost of the program is fully covered by the Panetta Institute and includes program courses, travel and lodging.
Fresno State can nominate one student to be considered for this opportunity, with the final decision made by an interview with the Panetta Institute.
Complete application packets due Friday, April 4, 2025 at 5:00 pm. (See application information and upload link below)
There will be an information session on Zoom for Fresno State students on Tuesday, March 25 at 5:00 featuring former Panetta Interns from Fresno State.
See the Congressional Internship Program Description.
The Panetta Institute Requires the Following:
- be a U.S. citizen
- be a California resident
- provide proof of a government issued photo identification card
- provide proof of full vaccination including booster for COVID-19
- complete interview at the Panetta Institute the week of May 5
See Checklist of all Required Criteria
Application Timeline
- April 4, 2025 Application due by 5:00 pm
- April 9, 2025 Two finalists will be selected and advanced to the President
- April 11, 2025 President will interview
- Week of April 21 Campus candidate will be annouced
- Week of May 5 Interviews with Panetta Institute
See more Important Dates
Application Information
The Panetta Institute requires the following electronically submitted documents (no exceptions):
- Two-page personal statement of interest (single or double spaced, single-sided only)
- Please review the Checklist of Required Criteria (under requirement above) for items to address in your statement
- Updated resume or CV (single-sided only)
- Three-page (3) graded paper including professor’s comments.
- See this video for instructions for how to retrieve papers with comments submitted on Canvas.
- Transcripts from all higher education institutions – unofficial copies accepted
*Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Email Dr. Lisa Bryant or Dr. Thomas Holyoke with any questions.
Program Expectations
If Selected, Students Must:
- make a total commitment to the program (e.g., no pursuit of other employment, no enrollment in LSAT, MCAT, GRE or other graduate school preparation classes and/or exams during the internship)
- work full-time in a congressional office
- attend required Panetta Institute seminars in Washington, D.C.
- submit a brief weekly report to the Panetta Institute
- maintain a journal
- and write a twenty-page research paper.
See Congressional Internship Position Description
Interview Process
Qualified applicants may be asked to interview with the campus Panetta committee to assess clarity of speech, overall demeanor and character, leadership potential or experience, and commitment to community and public service if needed. Selected finalists advance to interview with President Jiménez-Sandoval, who makes the final determination on the campus nominee.
Fresno State’s nominee will interview via Zoom with the Panetta Institute team. The nominee will also meet with the CSU Monterey Bay campus police department to begin the process for a background investigation. The Panetta Institute may not accept students who fail to meet participation standards or due to the findings of the background investigation.
See Request for Live Scan Service (only needed if selected by President Jiménez-Sandoval)
*The Panetta Institute makes the final determination for all program participants.