Political Science
Faculty Publications
Cummins, Jeff (with David G. Lawrence). 2024. California: The Politics of Diversity (11th edition). Rowman and Littlefield.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2023. Water Politics: The Fragmentation of Western Water Policy. Routledge.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2016. The Ethical Lobbyist: Reforming Washington's Influence Industry. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Cummins, Jeff. 2015. Boom and Bust: The Politics of the California Budget. Berkeley: Berkeley Public Policy Press.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2014. Interest Groups and Lobbying: Pursuing Political Interests in America. Boulder: Westview Press (Second Edition published in 2020 by Routledge, 3rd edition in 2024).
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2011. Competitive Interests: Competition and Compromise in American Interest Group Politics. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
Hansen, Kenneth N. (with Tracy A. Skopek), eds. 2011. The New Politics of Indian Gaming . Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press.
Cha, Marn J. 2010. Koreans in Central California, (1903 - 1957): A Study of Settlement and Transnational Politics. University Press of America.
Evans, Alfred (with Laura Henry and Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom), eds. 2006. Russian Civil Society: A Critical Assessment. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
Hansen, Kenneth N. 2004. The Greening of Pentagon Brownfields: Using Environmental Discourse to Redevelop Former Military Bases. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Provost, David H. (with B.L. Hyink). 2004. Politics and Government in California. San Francisco: Pearson Education.
Evans, Alfred (with Vladimir Gel’Man), eds. 2004. The Politics of Local Government in Russia. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Bick, Naomi. 2025. "Meeting California Climate Change Standards: Understanding the Regional and Local Transportation Coalitions Throughout California." Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1002/jci3.12034.
Bick, Naomi. 2025. "From Framing to Implementation: The Experience of Local Sustainability Administration in the US." Environmental Science & Policy Vol. 164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2025.104003.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2025. "Associational Self-Regulation: An Alternative Approach to Effective and Ethical Lobbying Regulation," in the Oxford Handbook on Lobbying and its Regulation, eds. Raj Chari, Michele Crepaz, Emilia Korkea-aho, and Wiebke Marie Junk. New York: Oxford University Press.
Bick, Naomi. 2024. "Citizen Involvement in Local Sustainability Policymaking: An In-Depth Analysis of Staff Activities and Motivations." Sustainability Science https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-024-01562-x.
Bryant, Lisa A., Robert Stein, Matt Lamb, Barry Burden, and Lonna Atkenson. 2024. "Guardians at the Gates: Poll Worker Retention in a Challenging Election Environment." Election Law Journal https://doi.org/10.1089/elj.2024.0017
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2024. "Lobbyists and Their Obligation to the Public Interest." Political Science Quarterly https://doi.org/10.1093/psquar/qqae049.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2024. "The Case for Associational Self-Regulation of Lobbying in the United States." Interest Groups & Advocacy 13(4): 478-497.
Kasianenko, Nataliia, and Megan Hauser. 2024. "To Blame or Not to Blame? The Place of the West in Ukranian and Russian War Narratives." The Ideology and Politics Journal 2(2): 74-94.
Bick, Naomi. 2023. "Using Historical Institutionalism as a Guidepost to Understanding Policy Change in Rust Belt Cities." Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Change 28, 50 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11027-023-10091-4.
Bick, Naomi. 2023. "Agricultural Framing in California's Central Valley: Farming Values and Climate Change Policy." The Social Science Journal https://doi.org/10.1080/03623319.2023.2237268.
Bryant, Lisa A., and Julia M. Hellwege. 2023. "Campaign Donations and Surrogate Representation: Interdistrict Donations by and for Women." In the Roads to Congress, eds. Walter Wilson, Sean Foreman, and Marcia Godwin. Palgrave Macmillian.
Cummins, Jeff. 2023. "Are Initiatives an End-Run Around the Legislative Process? Divided Government and Voter Support for California Initiatives." State Politics & Policy Quarterly.
Kasianenko, Nataliia. 2023. "Does Globalization Hurt Liberal Democracy? An Application of Salience Theory to the Globalization-Democracy Nexus" in Handbook on Democracy and Security, eds. Nicholas A. Seltzer and Steven L. Wilson. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bick, Naomi. 2022. "Sustainability and Climate Change: Understanding the Political Use of Environmental Terms in Municipal Governments" (with Denise Keele). Current Research in Environmental Sustainability Volume 4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crsust.2022.100145.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2022. "Strategic Lobbying and the Pressure to Compromise Member Interests." Political Research Quarterly 75(December): 1255-1270.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2022. "Path Dependence and Resistance to It in Public Policies: The Case of Charter School Policies in the United States." Politics & Policy 50(December): 1203-1220.
Kasianenko, Nataliia. 2022. "Measuring Nationalist Sentiments in East-Central Europe: A Cross-National Study." Ethnopolitics 21(4): 352-380.
Ram, Melanie H. 2022. "European Union Roma Policy: Under Construction" in Research Handbook in Minority Politics in the European Union, eds. Tove H. Malloy and Balázs Vizi, 250-270. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Vieira III, Everett A. 2022. "Los Técnicos and the Role of Ideas: Unraveling Mexico's Transition to Trade Liberalization." The Latin Americanist, Vol 66, No. 3(September): 302-324 doi.org/10.1353/tla.2022.0030
Vieira III, Everett A. 2022. "Experiencias de mujeres conviventes victimas de violencia psicologica infringido por sus parejas" (with Olivera Carhuaz, Edith Soledad, and Mayra Alexandra Loayza Avila). PURIQ 4(1): 177 - 193.
Bryant, Lisa A. 2021. "Statistical Skills for the Workplace: A Practical Approach to Teaching Methods and Excel." In The Palgrave Handbook of Political Research Pedagogy, eds. Daniel J. Mallinson, Julia Marin Hellwege, and Eric D. Loepp. Springer International Publishing.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2021. "Ages of Organization: Social, Economic, and Political Influence on Interest Group Formation in American History." Political Science Quarterly forthcoming.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2021. "Changing State Interest Group Systems: Replicating and Extending the ESA Model." Interest Groups & Advocacy 10(September): 264 - 285.
Kasianenko, Nataliia. 2021. "Statelessness and Governance in the Absence of Recognition: The Case of the 'Donetsk People's Republic'." In Statelessness, Governance, and the Problem of Citizenship, eds. Tendayi Bloom and Lindsey N. Kingston. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Kasianenko, Nataliia. 2021. "Internal Legitimacy and Governance in the Absense of Recognition: The Cases of the Donestk and Luhansk 'People's Republics'." In Post-Soviet Secessionism, eds. Mikhail Minakov, Gwendolyn Sasse, and Daria Isachenko. Ibidem-Verlag / Columbia University Press.
Kasianenko, Nataliia. 2021. "The Trojan Media: Narrative Framing on Russian Television in the Occupied Donbas." In Russian Active Measures: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, ed. Olga Bertelsen. Ibidem-Verlag / Columbia University Press.
Kasianenko, Nataliia. 2021. "Presidential Rhetoric and Nationalism: The Cases of Russia and Ukraine." Nationalities Papers 49(1): 108 - 125.
Bryant, Lisa A. 2020. "Seeing is Believing: An Experiment on Absentee Ballots and Voter Confidence." American Politics Research 48(6): 700-704.
Bryant, Lisa A. 2020. "The Power of the State: How Postcards from the State Increased Registration and Turnout in Pennsylvania" (with Michael J. Hammer, Alauna C. Safarpour, and Jared MacDonald). Political Behavior 44:535-549.
Bryant, Lisa A. 2020. "If You Ask, They Will Come (to Register and Vote): Field Experiments with State Election Agencies on Encouraging Voter Registration" with Chrisopher B. Mann. Electoral Studies 63: 1-10.
Cummins, Jeff, and Thomas T. Holyoke. 2020. "Interest Group and Political Party Influence on Growth in State Spending and Debt." American Politics Research 48(July): 455-466.
Hansen, Kenneth. 2020. "Uncivil Rights: The Abuse of Tribal Sovereignty and the Termination of American Indian Tribal Citizenship." IAFOR Journal of Culltural Studies 5(Spring): 49 - 63.
Kasianenko, Nataliia. 2020. "Measuring Nationalist Sentiments in East-Central Europe: A Cross-National Study." Ethnopolitics 1-29.
Bick, Naomi. 2019. "Women and European Green Parties: Unlocking the Connection." International Feminist Journal of Politics 21(5): 289 - 313.
Bryant, Lisa A. 2019. "Working Mothers Represent: How Children Affect the Legislative Agenda of Women in Congress" with Julia Marin Hellwege. American Politics Research 47(May): 447 - 470.
Bryant, Lisa A. 2019. "Field Experiments: Design and Implementation Challenges using a Minority Voter Mobilization Study." In Sage Research Methods Cases: Politics & International Relations. London, UK: Sage Publishing.
Bryant, Lisa A. 2019. "Working Moms Represent: How Children Affect the Legislative Agenda of Women in Congress" with Julia Marin Hellwege. American Politics Research forthcoming.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2019. "Strategic Support and Opposition by Lobbyists to Legislation in Congress." Journal of Legislative Studies 25(December): 533 - 552.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2019. "Dynamic State Interest Group Systems: A New Look with New Data." Interest Groups & Advocacy 8(December): 499 - 518.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Heath Brown). 2019. "Contested Framing and Feedback after Big Policy Changes: How Interest Groups Compete to Shape State Charter School Policies." In Interest Group Politics, 10th edition. Eds. Burdett A. Loomis and Anthony J. Nownes. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Heath Brown). 2019. "After the Punctuation: Competition, Uncertainty, and Convergent State Policy Change." State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(March): 3 - 28.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2019. "The Influence of Corporate Lobbying on Federal Contracting" with Aaron Dusso and Henrik Schatzinger. Social Science Quarterly 100(August): 1793 - 1809.
Kasianenko, Nataliia. 2019. "Internal Legitimacy and Governance in the Absence of Recognition: The Cases of the Donetsk and Luhansk 'People's Republics'." The Ideology and Politics Journal 1(11): 3-32.
Ram, Melanie H. 2019. "Regime Complexity and a Galvanizing Idea: Development Goals and Intergovernmental Organization Coordination." Journal of International Organizations Studies 10, no. 2: 33 - 53.
Vieira, Everett A. III. (with Hilel David Soifer). 2019. "The Internal Armed Conflict and State Capacity: Institutional Reforms and the Effective Exercise of Authority." In Politics After Violence: Politics of the Shining Path Conflict in Peru, eds. Hillel David Soifer and Alberto Vergara. Austin: University of Texas Press, pp. 109 - 131.
Bryant, Lisa A. 2018. "Sampling Hard to Reach Populations: Lessons from Sampling Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)" with Prakash Adhikari. In the Oxford Handbook of Survey Methodology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Cummins, Jeff and Thomas T. Holyoke. 2018. "Fiscal Accoutability in Gubernatorial Elections." State Politics & Policy Qaurterly 18(December): 395 - 416.
Kasianenko, Nataliia. 2018. "Building Consensus? Russian Nationalism as Social Cohesion and Division" (with Robert L. Ostergard). In Home, Community, and Identity, eds. Robert Compton, Ho Hon Leung, and Yaser Robles. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2017. "Interest Group and Lobbying Research in a Higher Level Context." American Politics Research 45(September): 887-902.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2017. "A Theoretical Foundation for Assessing Principal-Agent Problems in Lobbying Ethics and an Empirical Test." Interest Groups & Advocacy 6(October): 272-289.
Masood, Ali S. (with Benjamin J. Kassow and Donald R. Songer). 2017. "Supreme Court Precedent in a Judicial Hierarchy." American Politics Research 45(May): 403 - 434.
Ram, Melanie H. "IO Autonomy and Issue Emergence: The World Bank's Roma Inclusion Agenda." Global Governance 23, no. 4 (Oct.-Dec., 2017): 565-582.
Evans, Alfred E. 2015. "Civil Society and Protest." In Putin's Russia, 6th edition, ed. Stephen Wegren. Rowman and Littlefield.
Evans, Alfred E. 2015. "Civil Society and Protest in Russia." In Systematic and Non-Systematic Opposition in the Russian Federation: Civil Society Awakes? ed. Cameron Ross. Ashgate.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2015. "Challenges of Integrating Levels of Analysis in Interest Group Research." In The Population Ecology of Interest Communities Reconsidered, eds. David Lowery, Darren Halpin, and Virginia Gray. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2015. "Learnable Skills or Unteachable Instinct? What Can and Cannot be Taught in the Lobbying Profession" with Heath Brown and Timothy M. LaPira. Interest Groups and Advocacy 4(March): 7-24.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2015. "Reflecting on Theodore J. Lowi's The End of Liberalism." In the Oxford Handbook of Classics of Public Policy and Administration, eds. Edward Page, Steven J. Balla, and Martin Lodige. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ram, Melanie H. 2017. "International Policy and Roma Education in Europe: Essential Inputs or Centralized Distractions?" Alberta Journal of Educational Research 61(Winter): 465 - 483.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2014. "Why Lobbyists for Competing Interests Often Cooperate," in New Directions in Interest Group Research, ed. Matt Grossmann. New York: Routledge.
Ram, Melanie H. 2014. "Europeanized Hypocrisy: Roma Inclusion and Exclusion in Central and Eastern Europe," Journal of Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe 13(3): 15-44.
Abosch, Yishaiya. 2013. "Eminent Domain and High Speed Rail in California: Sustaining Popular Support for Large-scale Transportation Infrastructure in the Aftermath of Kelo v. City of New London." California Journal of Politics and Policy 5(May): 731-753.
Abosch, Yishaiya. 2013. "An Exceptional Power: Equity in Thomas Hobbes's Dialogue on the Common Law." Political Research Quarterly 66(January): 18-31.
Cummins, Jeff. 2013. "The Effects of Legislative Term Limits on State Fiscal Conditions." American Politics Research 41(3): 417-442.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2013. "A Dynamic Model of Member Participation in Interest Groups." Interest Groups & Advocacy 2(October): 278-301.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2013. "The Interest Group Effect on Contact with Congress." Party Politics 19(November): 925-944.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Hyoung-Goo Kang). 2013. "No Exaggeration: Truthfulness in the Lobbying of Government Agencies by Competing Interest Groups." Japanese Journal of Political Science 14(December): 499-520.
Ram, Melanie H. 2013. "European Integration, Migration and Representation: The Case of Roma in France." Ethnopolitics DOI: 10.1080/17449057.2013.844430.
Cummins, Jeff. 2012. "An Empirical Analysis of California Budget Gridlock." State Politics and Policy Quarterly 12(1): 23-42.
Evans, Alfred. 2012. "Protests and Civil Society in Russia: The Struggle for the Khimki Forest." Communist and Post-Comunist Studies #(October): ##-##.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Jeffrey R. Henig and Heath Brown). 2012. "Shopping in the Political Arena: Strategic Venue Selection by Organized Interests in a Federal System." State and Local Government Review 44(April): 9-20.
Ram, Melanie H. 2012. "Legacies of EU Conditionality: Explaining Post-Accession Adherence to Pre-Accession Rules on Roma." Europe-Asia Studies 64(7): 1191-1218.
Ram, Melanie H. 2012. "Lost in Transition? Europeanization and the Roma." L'Europe en Formation 364(Summer): 417-434.
Cummins, Jeff. 2011. "Party Control, Policy Reforms, and the Impact on Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S. States." Social Science Quarterly 92(1): 246-267.
Cummins, Jeff. 2011. “Lobbying Strategies, Campaign Contributions, and the Impact on Indian Gaming in California.” In The New Politics of Indian Gaming eds. Tracy A. Skopec and Kenneth N. Hansen. Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2011. “The Failure of Indian Casino Advocacy in New York State.” In The New Politics of Indian Gaming eds. Tracy A. Skopec and Kenneth N. Hansen. Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press.
Ram, Melanie H. 2011. "Roma Advocacy and EU Conditionality: Not One Without the Other?" Comparative European Politics 9(March): 217-241.
Schecter, David L. and Elizabeth A. Oldmixon. 2011. "Needs, Norms, and Food Policy in the U.S. House of Representatives." Social Science Journal 48(December): 597-603
Schecter, David, Ellen Junn, and Kimberly Cole. 2011. "University - Community Engagement: The Fresno Story of Targeted Neighborhood Revitalization." Metropolitan Universities 21(3): 48-66.
Cline, Kurt. 2010. “Negotiating the Superfund: Are Environmental Protection Agency Regional Officials Willing to Bargain with States?” Social Science Journal 47(January): 106 – 120.
Cline, Kurt. 2010. “Working Relationships in the National Superfund Program: The State Administrators’ Perspective.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 20(January): 117 – 135.
Cummins, Jeff. 2010. “The Partisan Considerations of the President’s Agenda.” Polity 42(July): 398 - 422.
Cummins, Jeff. 2010. “State of the Union Addresses and the President’s Legislative Success.” Congress and the Presidency 37(May): 176 – 199.
Evans, Alfred. 2010. "The Failure of Democratization in Russia in Comparative Perspective." Journal of Eurasian Studies #(November): ##-##.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2010. “Democratic Limits of Political Conflict.” In Stewardship of Public Lands, ed. N. Scott Cole. Washington, D.C.: American Association of State Colleges and Universities.
Ram, Melanie H. 2010. “Interests, Norms and Advocacy: Explaining the Emergence of the Roma onto the EU’s Agenda.” Ethnopolitics 9(June): 197 – 217.
Abosch, Yishaiya. 2009. “Hope, Fear, and the Mollification on the Vanquished in Hobbes’s Behemoth or the Long Parliament.” Political Research Quarterly 62(March): 16 – 28.
Cummins, Jeff. 2009. “Crime and Issue Voting in Gubernatorial Elections.” Social Science Quarterly 90(September): 632 – 651.
Evans, Alfred. 2009. “Russian Society and the State.” In Developments in Russian Politics 7th Edition. Eds. Stephen White, Richard Sakwa, and Henry Hale. New York: MacMillan Palgrave.
Hansen, Kenneth N. 2009. “Postmodern Border Insecurity: Rationality, Discourse, and Anti-Essentialism.” Administrative Theory and Praxis 31(September): 340 – 359.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2009. “Interest Group Competition and Coalition Formation.” American Journal of Political Science 53(April): 360 – 375.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2009. “Institutional Constraints on Legislative Lobbying: Lobbying for Indian Casinos in New York State.” Social Science Journal 46(December): 756 – 775.
Holyoke, Thomas T (with Jeffrey R. Henig, Heath Brown, and Natalie Lacireno-Paquet). 2009. “Policy Dynamics and the Evolution of State Charter School Laws.” Policy Sciences 42(February): 33 – 55.
Ram, Melanie H. 2009. “Romania: From Laggard to Leader?” in Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe ed. Bernd Rechel. New York: Routledge Publishers.
Ram, Melanie H. (with Peter Vermeersch). 2009. “The Roma” in Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe ed. Bernd Rechel. New York: Routledge Publishers.
Schecter, David L. 2009. “Legislating Morality Outside of the Legislature: Direct Democracy, Voter Participation, and Morality Politics.” Social Science Journal 46(March): 89 – 110.
Cummins, Jeff. 2008. “State of the Union Addresses and Presidential Position Taking: Do Presidents Back Their Rhetoric in the Legislative Arena?” Social Science Journal 45(August): 365 – 381.
Evans, Alfred. 2008. “The First Steps of Russia’s Public Chamber: Representation or Coordination?” Demokratizatsiya 16(Fall): 345 – 362.
Evans, Alfred. 2008. “Putin’s Legacy and Russia’s Identity.” Europe-Asia Studies 60(August): 899-912.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2008. “Dimensions of Charter School Choice.” Journal of School Choice 2(September): 302 – 317.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2008. “Interest Group Competition and Cooperation at Legislative Hearings.” Congress and the Presidency 35(Autumn): 17 – 38.
Schecter, David L. 2008. “California’s Right of Removal: Recall Politics in the Modern Era.” California Politics and Policy 12(November): 1 – 26.
Somma, Mark. 2008. “Return to the Villages.” Ecopolitics 1(2): 52 – 70.
Becker, Michael and Mark Somma (with Stephen Gamboa). 2007. “Testify: Eco-Defense and the Political of Violence.” Green Theory and Praxis 3(1).
Cline, Kurt (with Charles Davis). 2007. “Assessing the Influence of Regional Environmental Protection Agency Offices on State Hazardous Waste Enforcement Decisions.” Social Science Journal 44(2): 349 – 358.
Hansen, Kenneth N. (with Joseph J. St. Marie and John P. Tuman). 2007. “The Asian Economic Crisis and the Developmental State: A Veto Player Analysis.” International Relations of the Asia Pacific 7(1): 1 – 22.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Jeffrey R. Henig, Heath Brown, and Natalie Lacireno-Paquet). 2007. “Institutional Advocacy and the Political Behavior of Charter Schools.” Political Research Quarterly 60(June): 202 – 214.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Natalie Lacireno-Paquet). 2007. “Moving Forward and Spinning Wheels: A Comparison of Charter School Politics in Michigan and the District of Columbia.” Educational Policy 21(January): 185 – 214.
Ram, Melanie H. 2007. “Anti-Discrimination Policy and the Roma: Assessing the Impact of EU Enlargement.” Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy 3(November): 491 – 514.
Somma, Mark. 2007. “’Giving’ and ‘Taking’: Fundraising and Influence in Local Institutions.” Green Theory and Praxis 3(1).
Abosch, Yishaiya. 2006. “The Conscientious Sovereign: Public and Private Rule in Thomas Hobbes’s Early Discourses.” American Journal of Political Science 50(July): 621 – 633.
Becker, Michael. 2006. “Rhizomatic Resistance: The Zapatistas and the Earth Liberation Front.” Green Theory and Praxis 2(2).
Becker, Michael. 2006. “Ontological Anarchism: The Philosophical Roots of Revolutionary Environmentalism.” In Igniting a Revolution, eds. Steven Best and Anthony J. Nocella II. Oakland: AK Press.
Cline, Kurt, B. Lamb, and P.D. Ponds. 2006. "Public Expectations about Access Fees and Road Closures on Public Lands." Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 49(2).
Cummins, Jeff. 2006. “The President’s Domestic Agenda, Divided Government, and the Relationship to the Public Agenda.” American Review of Politics 27(Winter): 269 – 294.
Hansen, Kenneth N. (with Theodore J. Stumm). 2006. “Reinvesting Government: Financing Options for Military Base Redevelopment.” American Review of Politics 26(Fall):
Hansen, Kenneth N. (with Tracy A. Skopek). 2006. “Reservation Gaming, Tribal Sovereignty, and the State of Texas: Gaining Ground in the Political Arena.” Politics and Policy 34(March): 110 – 133.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Jeffrey R. Henig, Heath Brown, and Natalie Lacireno-Paquet). 2006. “Does Mission Matter? Exploring a Typology of Charter School Orientation.” In A Guide to Charter Schools eds. Myron S. Kayes and Robert Maranto. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Somma, Mark. 2006. “Revolutionary Environmentalism: An Introduction.” In Igniting a Revolution, eds. Steven Best and Anthony J. Nocella II. Oakland: AK Press.
Cline, Kurt and B. Lamb. 2005. "Membership in Voluntary Organizations on the Colorado Plateau: A Reexamination of the Technical Information Quandary." Environmental Practice 7(3).
Evans, Alfred. 2005. “A Russian Civil Society?” In Developments in Russian Politics, 6th Edition. Eds. Stephen White, Zvi Gitelman, and Richard Sakwa. New York: MacMillian Palgrave.
Hansen, Kenneth N. (with Christopher M. Branam). 2005. “Policy Advocacy: The Politics of Big Cat Protection in Arkansas.” Green Theory and Praxis 1(1).
Hansen, Kenneth N. (with Tracy A. Skopec and Richard Engrstrom Jr.). 2005. “All That Glitters…The Rise of American Indian Tribes in State Political Behavior.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 29(4): 45 – 58.
Hansen, Kenneth N. (with William Schreckhise). 2005. “Balancing the Green and the Gold in the Natural State: Economic Growth, Environmental Protection, and the Determinants of Citizen Trust in Arkansas.” American Review of Politics 27(Spring – Summer):
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Jeffrey R. Henig, Heath Brown, and Natalie Lacireno-Paquet). 2005. “The Influence of Founder Type on Charter School Structures and Operations.” American Journal of Education 111(August): 487 – 522.
Ram, Melanie H. (with Takao Toda). 2005. “On Setting and Reaching Development Goals: The MDGs, Policy Coherence, and Partnership.” Journal of International Development Studies 14(November): ### - ###.
Schecter, David L. 2005. “Mythic Structure Theory: Proposing a New Framework for the Study of Political Issues.” Politics and Policy 33(June): 221 – 241.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2004. “By Invitation Only: Interest Group Access to the Oval Office.” American Review of Politics 25(Fall): 221 – 240.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Heath Brown, Jeffrey R. Henig, and Natalie Lacireno-Paquet). 2004. “Research on Emergent Phenomena: Responses and Speculations.” Social Science Quarterly 85(December): 1072 – 1077.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Heath Brown, Jeffrey R. Henig, and Natalie Lacireno-Paquet). 2004. “Scale of Operations and Locus of Control in Market Versus Mission-Oriented Charter Schools.” Social Science Quarterly 85(December): 1035 – 1051.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2004. “Community Mobilization and Credit: The Impact of Nonprofits and Social Capital on Community Reinvestment Act Lending.” Social Science Quarterly 85(March): 187 – 205.
Schecter, David L. 2004. “Lights, Camera, and an Action Hero! Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Media Frenzy in the California Recall.” In Lights, Camera, Campaign! Media, Politics, and Political Advertising, ed. D. Schultz. Peter Lang Publishing.
Cline, Kurt. 2003. “Influences on Intergovernmental Implementation: The State and the Superfund.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly 3(Spring): 66 – 83.
Hansen, Kenneth N. 2003. “The Discourse Heresies: Utilizing the Empirical Referents to Evaluate Military Base Transitions.” Administration and Society 35(July): 315 – 333.
Hansen, Kenneth N. 2003. “Inter-subjective and Symbolic Dimensions of Public Administration.” In Contemporary Debates in Public Administration ed. Alka Dhamejia. New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall India.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2003. “Choosing Battlegrounds: Interest Group Lobbying Across Multiple Venues.” Political Research Quarterly 56(September): 325 – 336.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Jeffrey R. Henig, Natalie Lacireno-Paquet, and Michele Moser). 2003. “Privatization, Politics, and Urban Services: The Political Advocacy Behavior of Charter Schools.” Journal of Urban Affairs 25(February): 37 – 54.
Mardon, Russell (with Won Kwang Paik). 2003. “Global Income Inequality in Developing and Less Developed Counties.” Pacific Focus 18(2): 5 – 31.
Ram, Melanie H. 2003. “Democratization Through European Integration: The Case of Minority Rights in the Czech Republic and Romania.” Studies in Comparative International Development 38(Summer): 28 – 56.
Evans, Alfred. 2002. “Recent Assessments of the Condition of Social Organizations in Russia.” Demokratizatsiya 10(Summer): 322 – 343.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2002. “Expanding the Limits of Power: The Federal Reserve and the Implementation of Functional Regulation in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.” Review of Policy Research 19(Winter): 95 – 119.
Holyoke, Thomas T. (with Natalie Lacireno-Paquet, Michele Moser, and Jeffrey R. Henig). 2002. “Creaming Versus Cropping: Charter School Enrollment Practices in Response to Market Incentives.” Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis 24(Summer): 145 – 158.
Ram, Melanie H. 2002. “Built By Association: Legislating for the West in EU Candidate States.” In South-Eastern Europe, the Stability Pact and EU Enlargement, eds. David Phinnemore and Peter Siani-Davies. Cluj, Romania: European Studies Foundation Publishing House.
Ram, Melanie H. 2002. “Harmonizing Laws with the European Union: The Case of Intellectual Property Rights in the Czech Republic.” In Norms and Nannies: The Impact of European Organizations on Central and East European States, ed. Ronald H. Linden. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2001. “The Community Reinvestment Act and Community Organization in Washington, D.C.” In Changing Financial Markets and Community Development, eds. Jackson L. Blanton, Alicia Williams, and Sherrie L.W. Rhine. Washington, D.C.: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Ram, Melanie H. 2001. “Minority Relations in Multiethnic Societies: Assessing the European Union Factor in Romania.” Romanian Journal of Society and Politics 1(November): 63 – 90.
Schecter, David L. 2001. “What Drives Voting on Abortion Policy? Investigating Partisanship and Religion in the State Legislative Arena.” Women and Politics 23(4): ### - ###.
Schecter, David L. 2001. “Revisiting the ‘Laboratories of Democracy’ Movement: Are the States More Democratic Today Than in the Past?” Public Integrity 3(1): ### - ###.
Schecter, David L. (with David M. Hedge). 2001. “Dancing With the One Who Brought You: The Allocation and Impact of Party Giving to State Legislators.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 26(August): 437 – 456.
Cline, Kurt. 2000. “Defining the Implementation Problem: Organizational Management versus Cooperation.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 10(July): 551 – 571.
Evans, Alfred. 2000. “Economic Resources and Political Power at the Local Level in Post-Soviet Russia.” Policy Studies Journal 28(1): 114 – 134.
Hansen, Kenneth N. (with Daniel T. Krejci). 2000. “Rethinking Neo-Institutional Interaction: Municipal Arena-Specific Strategies and the Base Closure Process.” Administration and Society 32(2): 166 – 182.
Holyoke, Thomas T. 2000. “The Battle is Over But the War Goes On: Reflections on the Financial Modernization Act of 1999.” Policy Perspectives 8(Fall): 2 – 12.
Ram, Melanie H. 2000. “Transformation Through European Integration: The Domestic Effects of European Union Law in Romania.” In The Transformations of 1989 – 1999: Triumph or Tragedy? Ed. John S. Micgiel. New York: East Central European Center, Columbia University.
Selected Editorials
Jeff Cummins. 2024. "Trump Did More to Set Up the US Economy for Inflation Surge than Biden." Fresno Bee, October 12.
Jeff Cummins. 2024. "PG&E Enjoys a Near Monopoly on Energy. So Why Must its Customers Pay such High Rates?" Fresno Bee, May 11.
Jeff Cummins. 2022. "Civics 101: America's Founders Designed a Flawed Presidency, Yet the Role Keeps Growing." Fresno Bee, February 20.