Political Science
Dr. Everett A. Vieira III
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Temple University
Office: McKee Fisk 213A
Phone: 1-559-278-7908
E-mail: evieira@csufresno.edu
Dr. Vieira's CV
Areas of expertise: Comparative politics; international relations; terrorism; political violence; civil war; Latin America; human rights; democratization; qualitative methods; politics of memory.
Dr. Vieira specializes in comparative politics, international relations, and methodology. His teaching and research interests focus on terrorism and political violence, civil war, human rights, democratization, politics of memory, and Latin America. His research agenda prioritizes questions related to variation in violence during civil wars (particularly amongst sub-state actors), political violence as political communication, and the effects of violence on state capacity.
Before joining the faculty at Fresno State, Everett taught at California State University, Stanislaus, Modesto Junior College, and Temple University. He was a Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program Scholar at The California State University from 2016-8, an Affiliated Researcher at the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos where he carried out extensive fieldwork from 2013-7, and a Future Faculty Fellow at Temple University from 2011-3.
Everett earned MA/PhD degrees in Political Science from Temple University, and is proud to be made in the CSU after earning BA/MA degrees in Political Science from San Diego State University. His work has been published by, or is forthcoming at, PS: Political Science & Politics and the University of Texas Press.
Website: http://www.everettvieira.com/